Blog Parties

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring has sprung

Spring is almost here. It's less than 1 day away. Can you believe it?

A few weeks back I decided to decorate for St Paddy's Day. But I didn't have enough St Paddy stuff to decorate everything. So I thought I would also decorate for spring. And since most everything I have for spring is green or white, it would work for both spring & St Paddy's day.

I shared all my St Paddy's stuff earlier. And yesterday I shared most of my spring decor. Today I am sharing my spring china hutch. And nope, I still have not painted it. I'm toying with the idea this weekend. Depends on what excuse I can come up with not to do it.

I used my green cabbage plates that I got last year from Ross. I got all of them on clearance. Last year I could only find 3 dinner plates. I managed to find a 4th a few months back. I think I had to pay full price, but it was worth it to have a set of 4.

In this cloche I put one of my artichoke statues. I have two. I got both of them last year at Marshall's.
I've been having fun with this photo display. I printed out some vintage letters to spell Spring. I added some bird prints and rose prints that I like. As I've told you before, I have a few CD's with vintage images on them. The hardest part is going through all the images to chose the ones I want.

The bird nest is one I made from spanish moss for my wedding. The birdy came from Walmart about 4 years ago. I think he was a buck.

The only things I purchased new this year are the two birdy finials and the green birdies. They all came from Michael's, 50% off. Did I tell you that we finally have a Michael's were I live? Woo hoo!!! Now I don't have to drive 20 minutes to get to one. I only have to drive less than 5. I am so happy. I only wish we had Hobby Lobby in southern California.
The bird house is actually a Christmas ornament that I picked up at least 10 years ago.
The pair of little birdies are Christmas ornaments from Target. Got them on clearance, after Christmas. The brown orb, I got around Christmas. Can't remember from where, just remember that the set of them were a deal. The little moss orbs came from Michael's just last week. I think they were $5.00 for a set of 6. That was regular price. Too bad I didn't have a 40% off coupon. I don't normally buy stuff at Michael's at regular price, but I wanted them, bad.
I collect white pitchers, so I always have an abundance of them for displaying. Here you can see one of the green birds and one of the bird finials that I got at Michael's. The birdhouse under the cloche is actually a Christmas ornament as well. I've had it for about 10 years. The silver bird is also a Christmas ornament that came from the thrift store for 25 cents. I made the cloche out of a glass dome from the thrift store. I just glued on a glass knob.
This birdhouse, you guessed it, it's another Christmas ornament.

Here is what sits on the base.

Left side.
Thrift store cheese dome covers a bird nest with birdy & eggs that I got from Michael's a few years back. I have it sitting on a bed of shredded french music. Since I don't own any actual music, I printed out my own from one of my CD's with vintage images. I enlarged the image to full page & printed onto a regular piece of paper. I printed it out on both sides of the paper. Then I put the paper through my paper shredder. I have an old one that only shreds in lines. It's not a cross shredder or this would never work. Then I wrapped each piece around a pencil for it to curl. Makes a nice nest for the nest.
My apothecary jars came from Big Lots about 3-4 years ago. I filled this one with some more moss balls that I just got from Michael's. I may have to get me some more. I just need a coupon.
These green glass marble thingies came from Michael's a few years back.

These eggs I got at Ross last year. I was too lazy to paint my own.

And here is the right side.
I printed out this image from one of my vintage image CD's. I'm using one of my flower frogs to hold it. I camouflaged the frog with some Dollar Tree moss. I placed it under a small cloche & have it sitting on my newest old ironstone saucer from the thrift store. It was 25 cents. I love to collect ironstone. This is by Johnson Brothers. I also picked up 2 salad plates & 1 dinner plate at the same time. They match some I picked up last year. Eventually I will have a complete set, at least that is what I am hoping for.

On the cake pedestal that I made, I added a spring garland from Michael's (a few years ago). Threw on some moss rocks (from Marshall's last year). Added another Walmart birdy and some glittered pencil starfish I won in a blog giveaway.

Another cheese dome. This one I filled with number balls & moss rocks.

And there you have my spring hutch. I will probably change it out this weekend for Easter stuff. Unless I decide to paint it. Then Easter will just have to wait a few more days. Anyone want to come over & help me paint?

I hope that all of you enjoy your weekend & the first day of spring. What are your plans?


  1. beautiful! I especially love your printed letters & birds...great idea. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You have it looking very pretty for spring! I am so glad that it is spring and our weather is actually springish too!

  3. I love your spring hutch. I have one of those cabbage plates and just did a spring mantel that I added it to.

  4. All of your vignettes are just gorgeous. I love the cloches of course and drooled over each one. Beautiful displays inside. I like how you make all the different nests and the moss balls are great too. Your hutch looks gorgeous. Beautifully done. Have a super weekend. Hugs, Marty

  5. You have such a flair! Always fabulous!

    m ^..^

  6. love the cabbage plates, they totally say spring :D

  7. Kim, I love how you've decorated your hutch for Spring. Isn't it fun to have a piece of furniture like this that you can change out from season to season? I especially love the green cabbage plates. I have a few hanging on the wall in my kitchen, and I really enjoy them. I also like how you've added in the cute little birdhouses..such a nice touch!

  8. Love your decorating style. So many things to look at and enjoy. I like all your vintage printouts. Just Beautiful!

  9. Your hutch is beautifully decorated. So many things to love!! The natural elements add such a wonderful touch to the display.
    Love your blog header too!

  10. Gah, I can't tell you how similar our taste is. I collect green majolica type stuff similar to your cabbage plates, bought those same green birds, and the small white ones @ Michael's, have similar apoth. jars, and have been eyeing those moss balls @ Michael's, but found some in a bag w/ about 5 in it at Dollar Tree, so you might want to check there for more 1st.
