You would think that after 51 years of living with myself that I would know myself a little better. I do know myself, I just keep hoping that I will change. But being the procrastinator that I am, I should know better.
I wanted new Christmas stockings this year. I have perfectly good Christmas stockings as you can see below from 2008.

I was just growing tired of them & wanted something new. Lighter in color, more home made.
Something more like this:

Naughty & Nice stockings from
Ballard Designs. They are made out of burlap. But they were $12.00 each (they are on clearance now for $6.99 each) and I need four. And I didn't want to pay that much for burlap ones. Plus I wanted to make them myself.
Then I was visiting
Cottage Instincts blog & saw the ones that Cindy made:

It was love at first sight. When I saw hers, I knew I wanted them. I already had the fabric bought and had an idea in my mind, but her stockings were exactly what I had in mind.
Even after reading her
encounter on making them, I was not deterred. I was going to make my own Christmas stockings this year.
At least that was my plan. I didn't even get out my old stockings from the attic as I knew I was going to have new ones to hang by the fireplace. But we all know about the best laid plans.
And before you know it, it's Christmas eve. I'm busy wrapping gifts (of course at the last minute). It's almost time for Santa to come when all of a sudden I realize, I HAVEN'T MADE MY CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS!!!!! And now I'm out of time & too tired to climb up into the attic to find my old stockings.
What's a mom to do? Santa is coming any minute? Think girl, think.
It was then I heard angels singing on high. The heavens parted & I had a vision. ZIPLOCK BAGGIES!!! Yup, you heard me right, Ziplock baggies for stockings. And here is the proof:

Santa had no trouble filling the Ziplock stockings. They hold quite a lot. But he still had to place some items outside the bags. He didn't even mind that the Ziplock stockings were placed on the couch instead of hanging from the fireplace mantel. (Lucky for me that Santa is so accommodating).

There is even a spot for writing a name. How convenient.
Lucky for me, my boys are actually adults, so they kind of got a kick out of having Ziplock stockings. And they weren't surprised in the least. And why not? We have Ziplock Easter baskets too.
Keeping it real folks, keeping it real.